Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Twice in One Family

I felt it was important to talk about what has been going on lately. Yes, Angel Donor was inspired by my middle child who was born with a liver disease and needed a liver transplant. Angel Donor was a way for us to tell her story.

Now, it is her brother who is going through the transplant process. He is in need of a kidney. It is rare for something like this to strike a family twice in a row.  He was born with only one kidney and that kidney is in the advanced stages of kidney disease. 

In January he began his evaluation for a kidney transplant. The process is still going on, but should be finishing up within a month or so. 

They say every experience is different, and this is no exception. I catch myself thinking, "I don't remember it being this stressful before." Maybe it was just as stressful, but everything moved so fast.
Howevers tressful it is, we know we are aiming for a healthy and better quality of life.