Thursday, May 23, 2019

What Happens After a Transplant

It's been over a month since my son recieved his #giftoflife . Life is very different after a transplant. Sometimes it is tough to get used to it. For example, there were so many medicines he had to take while managing his kidney disease. Now he has a whole other regimen that is completely different. The doctors told us as he gets farther out from transplant that some of the meds will wean down and will be stopped.  As much as we were aware that he would have different medications, it felt strange to just switch it up. But it is a change we are glad and grateful to make!

Another  thing he is getting used to is taking precaustions so that he doesn't catch any colds, viruses, etc. They can easily turn into a more serious infection since he is now taking medications to suppress his immune system. Handwashing and sanitizing are constant.

Doctor visits are frequent the first few months so that they can monitor the healing process and help stabilize the amount of medications needed.

The toughes in my son's experience is the amount of fluids he is required to consume. His kidney needs to be well hydrated so they want him drinking 2 liters a day.

As time goes on, these things ease up more and more. Pretty soon there will be a stable routine. All of these things have greatly improved his quality of life and he is forever grateful to his donor and donor family.

A day's worth of meds

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